
Welcome back! Today I would like to tell you a few words about the webinar in which I had a chance to take part. It was about making video lessons and recordings for our students.

Mrs. Małgorzata Gaca was our today's presenter. She said that she has experience in making videos for her preschool students. She has shared with us some useful tips on how to make our recordings interesting and involving for kids.

First of all Mrs. Gaca has told us what do we need to make a video lesson. The script is essential here to keep everything in the correct order. Thanks to this we will remain calm and be sure that our video will be easy to understand. Then we need a bunch of inspiration which we can find online, in books, or in other materials. With our presenter, we also went through a few parts of the video like introduction, warm-up, repetition, new games, repetition II. We should remember though to leave some time for our viewers to respond.

The presenter provided us with a few suggestions in terms of filming. She has explained different kinds of views in the movies - a long shot, medium shot, bird's-eye view, high angle, low angle, dutch angle - and when to use them. Mrs. Gaca has emphasized the importance of the light and background in the video as well. I found out that film editing can be helpful with sticking to the basic plan (time, order) and making everything work perfectly.

To sum up, I enjoyed this webinar a lot. I have prepared a few recorded presentations before but I still feel like I have many things to improve. Thanks to this webinar I finally know how!

What about you? Have you ever tried to record your lesson? What did you find the most challenging?

Let me know in the comments.


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