
In this post I want to share with You a video from Dąbrówka Primary School. I am also attaching my comments below.


  • What is my general thought about this lesson?
Generally I liked this lesson. The teacher was well prepared. I am sure that she had a plan that she followed during the lesson. The teacher tried her best to make every kid involved in the activities. Children also seemed to be pretty happy about the lesson and answered teacher's questions.
  • What did I like?
The thing that I liked the most was diversification of the activities. Children at this age and level have a lot of energy and it is hard to make them sit still. Different activities like the ones in rows or on the carpet made a lesson interesting and kids were able to use their energy in a good way. 
  • What would I do differently?
I would do some activities like ice breakers to get to know my students. I feel like here the teacher did not know some of the names and had to ask for them what caused a bit of a chaos. I would also pre-teach some words from the book in a more comprehensible and involving way. Using some flashcards or secret box would be a great idea!
  • Is an observation checklist a good tool to use while observing?
During my teaching practice I went through many observation sheets. I found them very useful because they helped me to focus on issues that I was the most interested in. They also made me able to see some things that I may not be aware of if I did not have them with me. I prefer more open observation sheets with a lot of space to write on. Thanks to this I can recall some events at home and analyze them in a more specific way.
  • Was my observation checklist useful?
I prepared an observation sheet with a lot of space for some details. It was not a strict checklist. In my opinion this sheet was useful as well. I saw problems that the teacher had and solutions to them. I noticed a step by step procedure that the teacher was implementing. I made some notes about the kids' reactions and left space for my reflection. I will for sure try to improve my sheets and write more checklists. 

What do You think about this lesson?
Please let me know in the comments.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Zuzia, I also noticed the ignorance of some names in the class. With recorded lessons also observed by parents, it does not look very good. The teacher could help and put stickers with names on them. On the other hand, we know the reality in Polish schools - an English teacher has many classes and students, so it's hard to remember all of them.
    Like you, I think that the lesson was correct and well prepared.As for the observation sheet - I'm not a fan of them. It seems to me that it is much easier for me to focus on what is happening in the class when I have a blank sheet in front of me and I can write down whatever I want and consider important at the moment.
