
Today I wanted to share some thoughts about an English lesson - Grade 0 - Kindergarten - we had a chance to watch during our classes.

What is different here? The teacher is using L1 during her classes.

  • Phases of the lesson:
- Hello! How are you today? - Hello song
- Revision - book about animals - questions about the book, gestures
- Song - using flashcards, gestures
- Another book (about dogs) - reading aloud together
- Surprise - a game with a paper house on the board (hide and seek)
- Goodbye song
  • Aims of the lesson:
- Students get familiar with hellos and goodbyes (through songs)
- Students use gestures
- Students read aloud books with the teacher
- Students get familiar with the rooms in the house
  • The aids the teacher uses:
- a book about animals
- flashcards
- a book about dogs
- board with paper house + paper dog
  • Problems
In my opinion the flashcards that the teacher used were too small. It was hard to see the animals. Besides this there were some tiny problems with discipline (some kids were screaming the answers or getting up to find a dog in the room) but these were not too disturbing and such a situation is understandable for children of this age.
  • What possible alternatives/ amendments/ improvements to the lesson structure can you think of?
I think the teacher did not have to use L1 that much. Children seemed to understand a lot and it would be more beneficial for them to use L2 even for some instructions. For the discipline I would recommend making a poster with some rules to follow together. You can hang it on the wall as a reminder. As a teacher of this group I would equip myself with bigger flashcards.
  • Was it a good lesson? What was it exactly that made it (un)successful?

From my point of view it was a good lesson. The teaching aids were very interesting and caught kids' attention successfully. There were many different activities and they were involving for the learners. The main thing to change is to limit the use of L1 when it is not necessary.

What are your thoughts about this lesson? What would you change?

Let me know in the comments section,


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